‘Organise and Thrive’
What's this?
My 'Organise & Thrive' session helps you to plan your week to stop feeling overwhelmed.
Why? Spending a bit of time each week away from doing the work helps us to feel less overwhelmed and stressed. It also means that you are really clear about your priorities for the week ahead. We may have good intentions about doing this ourselves, but I often we are too busy! Meeting same time, same place, each week helps get you in the habit. I provide the direction to get you focused for the week
When? Monday, logging in at 9.10 for a 9.15 start. We will finish at 9.55. UK time. Sign up to join ‘Organise and Thrive’ for 6 months to get you focused.
Where? Zoom.
How will it work? This is a 'mini' session; I will talk you through some questions to think about each week to help you plan for success and feel less overwhelmed. There will be some questions that are the same each week because I know that you need to do these each week as a minimum. There are other questions that I think are really helpful, and I'll spread these over the coming weeks, then you can decide which questions are useful for you to personalise your weekly checklist.
Your investment: £600 - for 3 months or Organise and Thrive